Shin Splints Treatment Perth
Perth’s Most Common Sports Injuries
Summer is fast approaching and for those of us that enjoy Perth’s famous active outdoor lifestyle, the prevalence of sports injuries will increase. The team at My Physio Perth are the experts in Sports Physio in Perth. Read more about common sports injuries and treatment, composed by our Masters qualified Perth Sports Physios. Running Injuries…
Read MoreIliotibial Band Syndrome
The Iliotibial band is a thick tendon that inserts on the outside of your knee. The function of the Iliotibial band is to help slow movement and torque at your knee during impact. Iliotibial band syndrome is a common cause of knee pain in runners. The cause is repetitive trauma to the Iliotibial band insertion…
Read MoreTo Ice or Not to Ice: Acute Injury Management
An Olympic sprinter tears a hamstring. An AFL footballer suffers an ACL injury. A junior gymnast sprains her ankle. A toddler bumps his head. Our instinctive response in each of these cases is to apply an ice pack. But why? What sort of ice is best? How long should we apply it? How often should…
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