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Vertigo Treatment Perth BPPV

Vertigo Treatment Perth BPPV

Have you tried physio for vertigo? Our Duncraig physios are trained in vertigo assessment and vertigo treatment for BPPV. Book a vertigo physio appointment online with Simone today!

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What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is the sensation of moving, spinning or swaying when you are in fact stationary. Vertigo often causes nausea and is quite concerning for the sufferer.

What is BPPV and can Physio Help?

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the most common cause of vertigo that physios can treat. In fact, physio treatment for vertigo can cure BPPV in one or two sessions.

  • Benign - the cause of vertigo is not harmful to your overall health.
  • Paroxysmal - vertigo comes in short bursts.
  • Positional - certain movements or positions of your head or body will cause vertigo.
  • Vertigo - the medical term for the spinning or swaying sensation you feel.

Do you want relief from vertigo? Book online and feel better with expert vertigo treatment by our experienced vertigo physiotherapist Simone.

What are the Symptoms of BPPV?

  • Brief episodes of severe vertigo that are triggered by certain head or body movements.
  • Vertigo may feel like you, or objects around you are moving when in fact they are stationary.
  • Vertigo attacks often last for 10-30 seconds but can persist for up to 1 minute.
  • BPPV may contribute to a feeling of floating, dizziness, nausea or light-headedness and these symptoms can linger on for hours after the initial vertigo attack.

What Causes BPPV and Vertigo?

We rely on our visual (eyes), proprioceptive (muscles, tendons, joints) and vestibular (inner ear) systems to help maintain our balance.

Vertigo occurs when the brain receives conflicting information about the movement or position of our body or head from these important systems.

BPPV involves the inner ear, which has very delicate and intricate structures. The semicircular canals are filled with fluid, which moves when the head is moved. This triggers nerve signals to the brain and should match what the eyes and muscles/joints are sensing.

BPPV results when small salt crystals become dislodged and find their way into the fluid in the semicircular canals. This interferes with the nerve signals to the brain and conflicts with what the other ear is sensing, what the eyes are seeing and with what the muscles and joints are doing. As a result, our brain gets confused, resulting in vertigo. Fortunately, you can get relief with vertigo treatment Perth at My Physio Perth.

What Movements can Cause BPPV:

If you have BPPV, simple movements as listed below may cause vertigo:

  • Rolling over in bed
  • Looking up
  • Turning the head to the side
  • Getting out of bed
  • Gardening
  • Lying on one side
  • Bending over
  • Washing hair in the shower

Vertigo Treatment Perth

BPPV treatment is extremely effective. My Physio Perth are trained in specialised vertigo treatment, which involves a safe, simple and quick procedure to move the crystals back to where they came from. My Physio Perth's physiotherapists will guide you through this procedure, which involves moving your head and body through a series of slow and controlled movements.

After BPPV treatment

It's possible to feel unbalanced or slightly unwell after treatment. These symptoms may last for up to 48 hours. During your consultation, you will be provided with a treatment plan and instructions for the next week.
Following your treatment session, we recommend that you:

  • Do not drive
  • Avoid lying flat for two days
  • Avoid head positions that provoke an attack
  • Avoid sleeping on the affected or 'bad' side for one week

How to Book Treatment for BPPV

It’s simple to book an appointment with My Physio Perth to treat your vertigo caused by BPPV. Simply book online now with Simone or contact us on 94476152 and stop feeling dizzy today.

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