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Frozen Shoulder Treatment Perth

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Perth

Frozen shoulder treatment can be confusing for the patient, physio and doctor. Fortunately My Physio Perth has an expert shoulder physiotherapist in Adam McKnight who understands the complexity of frozen shoulder, more correctly termed adhesive capsulitis and can assist you with frozen shoulder treatment Perth.

Frozen Shoulder Anatomy

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint, enclosed by a thin capsule or membrane. This shoulder capsule has a rich blood supply and assists with the nourishment and stability of the joint. The capsule has thickened sections known as the glenohumeral ligaments or shoulder ligaments, which provide further stability to the joint. The rotator cuff muscles are also intimately blended with the shoulder capsule. The shoulder capsule is relatively loose at rest and becomes taught when the arm is elevated or rotated.

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis involves inflammation, thickening and contracture of the shoulder capsule. This causes significant pain and restriction of shoulder movement. The trigger for frozen shoulder can be obvious such as trauma or surgery (post traumatic frozen shoulder) or unknown known as idiopathic frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is most common in:

  • Females in their 50’s
  • Diabetics
  • Non dominant arm
  • Those that have had shoulder surgery or trauma

Types of Frozen Shoulder

Ideopathic frozen shoulder may persist for up to two or three years. Generally there is a ‘freezing stage’ involving gradually increasing inflammation and pain and restriction in movement, a ‘frozen stage’ consisting of stiffness without significant pain and a ‘defrosting stage’ involving gradually increasing movement.

Post traumatic frozen shoulder progresses through similar stages but resolves faster, usually within about twelve months.

Are you suffering from frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis? Book an appointment with Adam McKnight, our expert frozen shoulder physio who can help you with pain relief and frozen shoulder treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

  • Deep aching pain – often considerably worse at night
  • Painful restriction in shoulder movement

Note that these findings are common with many shoulder injuries, leading to the common misdiagnosis of frozen shoulder. Ensure you see an expert shoulder physio for your diagnosis and frozen shoulder treatment.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

The treatment of frozen shoulder in Perth remains a controversial topic. There are many methods of frozen shoulder treatment, some that will assist and some that will aggravate the condition and lead to more significant adhesive capsulitis.

Correct frozen shoulder treatment depends on whether you have post traumatic frozen shoulder or idiopathic frozen shoulder. It also depends on the stage of frozen shoulder you are suffering from. It is common for patients to aggravate a shoulder in the ‘freezing stage’ with frozen shoulder exercises and aggressive physiotherapy treatment. It is essential to allow the inflammation to settle, sometimes anti-inflammatories or cortisone injections will be recommended to assist this process. Frozen shoulder exercises are also essential but they must remain within comfortable limits. The use of heat or ice as well as soft tissue massage and dry needling can be very helpful for symptomatic relief of frozen shoulder.

When the inflammation and pain settles, gentle stretching can be commenced to gradually expand the contracted shoulder capsule. This must be guided by an experienced shoulder physio.

For expert frozen shoulder treatment in Perth by an experienced shoulder physio, book an appointment online with Adam McKnight.

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