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Shoulder Bursitis Treatment Perth (Subacromial Bursitis)

Shoulder Bursitis Treatment Perth (Subacromial Bursitis)

Shoulder bursitis also known as subacromial bursitis causes significant shoulder pain and dysfunction. Has someone told you that you’ve got shoulder bursitis or have you been diagnosed with subacromial bursitis on MRI or ultrasound? Now you’re searching for shoulder bursitis treatment options?

Fortunately, our shoulder physio Adam McKnight is an expert in shoulder bursitis treatment Perth. Adam can confirm whether you have shoulder bursitis and guide you through the optimal shoulder treatment for you.

This may involve massage for shoulder bursitis, dry needling for shoulder bursitis, rotator cuff exercises or potentially advice regarding cortisone injections for shoulder bursitis.

Do you want relief from shoulder bursitis pain? Book online with Adam McKnight and feel better with expert shoulder treatment by an experienced shoulder physio.

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Shoulder Bursitis

There are a number of bursae (plural for bursa) around the shoulder joint and throughout the body, designed to reduce friction between different structures. Bursitis is the term given when a bursa becomes inflamed from excessive friction or compression. An inflamed bursa, such as shoulder bursitis can be a potent pain generator. Further information regarding bursitis can be found in our popular blog ‘Bursitis Explained in Under 300 Words.’

Subacromial Bursitis

Subacromial bursitis occurs in the subacromial space of the shoulder. The acromium is the edge of the scapula bone, which forms a roof over the ball and socket joint. The subacromial bursa sits below the acromium and above the ball and socket joint. There are other structures that occupy the same subacromial space, such as rotator cuff tendons, one of the bicep tendons, joint capsule and coracoacromial ligament. It is thought that the ball of the shoulder may migrate into this space, irritating the structures and leading to issues such as subacromial bursitis.

Causes of Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder bursitis is commonly caused by:

  • Unaccustomed bouts of overhead activity such as painting, cleaning and pruning trees.
  • Sports requiring excessive shoulder movement such as swimming and throwing.
  • Repetitive bouts of overhead activity.
  • Sudden impact to the shoulder from a fall or bump.
  • Secondary to other injuries such as full thickness rotator cuff tears.

As shoulder bursitis is usually caused by shoulder impingement, it should not occur in a normally functioning shoulder.

Individuals may be predisposed to shoulder impingement and shoulder bursitis because of the shape of their acromium and also due bone spurs that develop as a result of wear and tear.

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Bursitis

Common symptoms of shoulder bursitis include:

  • Pain on the front and/or outside of the shoulder when elevating the arm. This pain often comes on half way through the movement and eases as the arm moves higher. It is known as a painful arc of movement.
  • Pain at night when lying on the affected shoulder.
  • Pain during the recovery phase of the swimming stroke.

Shoulder Bursitis Treatment

Don’t settle for ordinary shoulder bursitis treatment. The cause of your shoulder bursitis may be very different to others with the same condition, therefore your shoulder bursitis treatment needs to be tailored for you. Conservative treatment by an expert shoulder physiotherapist is successful in the majority of cases. Some common shoulder bursitis treatment options include:

  • A period of relative rest to allow the inflammation to settle.
  • Massage techniques and stretches to improve shoulder flexibility.
  • Dry needling for shoulder bursitis.
  • Rotator cuff exercises to improve the strength and balance of the rotator cuff muscles.
  • Scapula stabilizing exercises to improve the strength and balance of the muscles around the scapula.
  • Posture correction
  • Core strength exercises

Occasionally shoulder bursitis does not settle conservatively and anti inflammatories or shoulder bursa cortisone injections are required. It is important to note that these modalities will ease the pain, however a structured rehabilitation program is still required to prevent the bursa becoming inflamed again.

Ensure you book an appointment with Adam to receive expert shoulder bursitis treatment tailored for you.

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