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Nerve Pain Treatment Perth

Nerve Pain Treatment Perth

Nerve pain such as that caused by a pinched nerve can be extremely uncomfortable so it’s not surprising that My Physio Sorrento and Duncraig physiotherapists regularly perform treatment for nerve pain. We have significant experience and training in nerve pain treatment.

Book online for nerve pain treatment at My Physio Perth.

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Any pinched nerve or nerve that is compressed or irritated has the potential to cause significant nerve pain. Nerve pain is often described as sharp, shooting or burning pain. Sometimes nerve pain is associated with muscle spasm, weakness, pins and needles, and numbness. Symptoms of nerve pain can be constant or intermittent in nature and typically remain on one side of the body. It is often difficult to sleep, and mornings can also be very uncomfortable. It is not surprising that people seek nerve pain treatment to ease their nerve pain.

Do you want relief from a pinched nerve? Book online and feel better with expert nerve treatment by our experienced physiotherapists.

Causes of Nerve Pain

Nerve pain is typicaly caused by various injuries of the spine however it is also possible to have a peripheral pinched nerve. These injuries can be acute such as those caused by trauma, or chronic due to long term wear and tear.

Acute episodes of nerve pain could result from high impact trauma such as motor vehicle accidents or sporting injuries. It is also common for low impact activities such as bending, lifting, twisting or even poor posture to cause nerve pain.

Common Injuries

  • Disc bulge: Discs are situated between your bony vertebrae, acting like shock absorbers to reduce stress on your spine. Disc injuries are common and can occur due to sudden movements or from long term postural stress. Disc injuries cause inflammation and pain and in extreme cases can irritate nearby spinal nerves leading to nerve pain, otherwise known as a pinched nerve. My Physio Perth are experts in nerve treatment Perth, including the treatment of disc injuries and are happy to dispel myths such as the ‘slipped disc.’
  • Spinal dysfunction: Poor posture can result in irritation of the spinal nerves and may lead to nerve pain.
  • Spinal degeneration: As we age, we develop wear and tear of the discs, joints, and bones of the spine. This can lead to narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis) through which the spinal nerves travel and result in nerve impingement and ultimately nerve pain.
  • Piriformis Syndrome: The Piriformis muscle originates from the tail bone and attaches to the femur in order to rotate and stabilize the hip joint. Because the sciatic nerve runs next to, or sometimes through the Piriformis, muscle, tension or strain of the muscle can result in Sciatic Nerve irritation.

Assessment of Nerve Pain

My Physio Perth will conduct a thorough assessment of your condition in order to fully understand the origin of your nerve pain. Our goal is to reduce your pain, and restore strength and normal function. Importantly, we always aim for a full rehabilitation, reducing the risk of recurrence in the future.

Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to a fast recovery and reducing the chance of your problem becoming chronic.

Nerve Pain Treatment Perth

My Physio Perth in Sorrento and Duncraig have become experts in nerve treatment Perth.

We offer a wide range of services, depending on your individual presentation and preference, ranging from massage to manipulation and dry needling. We aim to help you return to normal, pain free function as soon as possible.

  • Massage Muscle tension, spasms or fatigue can all benefit from targeted massage therapy. My Physio Sorrento and Duncraig will work with you to help reduce pain and increase function.
  • Joint mobilisation and manipulation: Manual therapy is always a major component of treatment at My Physio Perth. Joint mobilisation and manipulation can be a powerful technique to reduce pain and improve function.
  • Taping: Taping can be a powerful method of providing support and easing pain in the acute phase. The Physiotherapists at My Physio Perth’s Sorrento and Duncraig clinic have developed taping techniques specifically for various types of sciatic pain.
  • Dry needling: A modern form of acupuncture, dry needling can reduce pain and improve muscle function. It can help with muscle soreness and tension, joint stiffness and pain and overall well-being.
  • Strength training: Specifically designed training programs which increase strength, correct posture and improve muscle tone can not only help with recovery, but also prevent further injury.
  • Postural assessment and correction: Spinal posture is a major cause of back pain. At My Physio Perth we are experts in postural assessment and can provide postural advice to ease your pain. Corrective exercises can also help to prevent the development of future problems.

Book online for nerve pain treatment in Perth.

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