I will always encourage people to START exercising, try something new and make use of the ‘free gyms’ and open spaces we have around Perth.
Beach Boot Camps are a very popular summer activity and there are so many great group fitness trainers around and online workouts that you can follow on your own, however there are a few more risks involved
Working out in the sand adds a tonne of resistance to any exercise you’re doing. -DailyBurn trainer Anja Garcia
Boot camp style workouts are ideal for outdoor exercise because they allow you to condition your whole body without the need for any fancy equipment, targeting cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, flexibility and agility.
Try one of these short boot camp style workouts from dailyburn.com for a quick workout before you laze at the beach.
Don’t forget a quick warm up first!
Place two towels in the sand 20 meters apart and try 30 seconds of each of theses exercises. Aim for three rounds with a minute break in between.
Single-leg bounding: Drive the right knee up and leap off the left leg, pretending you are gliding through the air. Repeat on the other side. Try to get as high as possible.
Plank drag: Set up towels 20 yards apart. Start in a plank position with one towel under your toes. Drag your toes towards your hands by engaging your core, then walk your hands out again so you’re closer to the far towel.
Side shuffle: Shuffle laterally from one towel to the other, facing the same way as you go there and back.
Inchworm push-ups: Hinge at the waist, bend down and walk your hands away from your feet so you’re in a plank position. Do one push-up, walk your feet towards your hands and repeat.
Long jumps: Bend your knees and jump as far as you can towards the other towel! Keep jumping for the whole 30 seconds.
Try this one to work your whole body and get the heart going. Do 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Try at least 5 rounds; can you do 8?
Surfer get-ups: Start on the ground in a low plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your belly touching the sand. Push up from the ground and jump into a squatting position with the right leg in front of the left, as if you’re balancing on a surf board. Remember to squeeze your glutes and engage the core! Return to the original plank position and repeat with your left leg in front of the right for the surf stance.
Lateral plank: Assume a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Take two steps to the right while maintaining a plank, and perform a push-up. Repeat the process by moving back to the left. Perform another push-up and repeat.
Lunge jumps: With the right leg in front of the left, get into a lunge position so your knees are both at 90-degree angles. Use your core and quads to jump straight up, switching your legs in mid-air. Land with your left leg forward, then repeat.
Twisting mountain climbers: In a plank position, bring one knee to the opposite elbow. Quickly switch legs and twist the opposite knee to opposite elbow. Try to have your knee touch your elbow for every rep.
Water Workouts
When it becomes too hot on the sand, head down to the water to try these heart pumping exercises
These exercises can be done at the beach or in the pool in shallow water.
Do them for as little or as long as you want – aim for 2 minutes per exercise:
Tick-tock hop: quickly jump from side to side keeping your feet together
Knee twist: bring you right knee to left elbow across the waist. Alternate sides.
Squat jumps
Bicycle: Float on your back and quickly pedal your feet through the water
Flutter kicks: upright or on your back
Pendulum swing: from bicycle, extend legs in front of you, then to the left and right. Keep legs under the water and together at all times.
Crunches: from bicycle extend legs out in front of you then bring your knees back into your chest.
Outer thigh lift: start standing with your feet together and lift one leg out to the side as high as you can. Bring back to standing and alternate sides.
Don’t forget there are so many water sports that are great for fitness and fun as well. Maybe it’s time for a new summer hobby?
Not sure what workout is best for you?
Your PHYSIOTHERAPIST can create an exercise plan that is best suited for you and your body.
A trained physio knows the best way to burn calories, tone where you want to tone and most importantly, how to take care of those niggles and prevent injury.
Visit our Duncraig Physio clinic today for your personalised exercise program.