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Dry Needling and Acupuncture Q and A

Dry Needling and Acupuncture Q and A

Interest in dry needling and acupuncture continues to soar. Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions our physiotherapists are asked about dry needling and acupuncture. For more comprehensive information, read our page on Dry Needling and our blog titled ‘Dry Needling – In Simple Terms.‘ What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling? Acupuncture…

K Tape – What’s all the Hype About?

K Tape – What’s all the Hype About?

What is Kinesio Tape or K-Tape? Kinesio tape or K-tape is a variety of tape that physiotherapists occasionally apply to the skin with the intention of providing a therapeutic benefit. K-tape is derived from the word kinesiology, which is the study of human movement. Unlike rigid strapping tape, used by physiotherapists to restrict joint movement,…

Shockwave Therapy Perth

Shockwave Therapy Perth

**Please note that we do not have a shockwave machine. ** If you have trialled other physios without success, you should consider booking online with us today and feeling better with expert treatment from our experienced physiotherapists who are amongst the highest qualified in the world. [booking_btn] Looking for shockwave therapy Perth? Have you heard your…

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