DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed onset muscle soreness (D.O.M.S) is a medical condition that is characterised by the stiffness, tenderness and pain in muscles several hours after performing a strenuous physical activity. When muscles are stressed, small microscopic tears occur in the ligaments, coupled with the stiffness and inflammation that accompany these tears, causing the pain and fatigue. The…
Neck Pain in Office Workers – 5 Simple Fixes
It’s no surprise that chronic neck pain is highly prevalent in office workers. What you may not know is how simply you can reduce the stress and strain on your neck. Here are 5 simple fixes for neck pain that you must implement now if you haven’t already! They are equally effective for sitting and…
Anti-inflammatory Gels and Creams – Do They Work??
If you’re in pain, anti-inflammatory tablets may be beneficial, however rising concerns over side effects are causing people to consider anti-inflammatory gels and creams as an alternative. Are they actually effective and if so, which one is best? This blog follows on from last week’s article comparing heat packs vs deep heat creams. Anti-inflammatory Options…
Deep Heat vs Heat Packs for Pain Relief – The Truth!
Have you ever wondered how deep heat works? Whether deep heat or heat packs are the best option? This is the blog for you. You may also be interested in our blog titled Ice or Heat for Pain and Injuries. It is well known that heat can enhance healing, provide a feeling of well-being and relieve…
Tennis Elbow Stretch
Begin this exercise by keeping your elbow straight. Slowly bend your wrist down using your other hand until you feel a mild to moderate stretch pain free. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2 times.
Sleep and Mental Health
Sleep and mental health are intimately linked. We all know that after a sleepless night we can feel a bit tired and irritable, but most of us can bounce back after a good night’s sleep. People who suffer from chronic sleep problems have more difficulty recognising and managing emotions, and are at double the risk…
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow is a general term used to describe pain on the outside of the elbow. The most common causes are inflammation or degeneration of the tendon of the wrist extensor muscles as they insert into the elbow. Those engaged in strenuous sports such as tennis, climbing, swimming and those working primarily where the forearms…
Get Outside!
Studies show that going outside each day has massive health benefits. Improving your short term memory, reduce stress, restore mental energy, improve concentration & increase vitamin D. So, what are you waiting for? Get Outside!
Injuries and Children in Sport
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 6 out of 10 children aged between 5 and 14 years participate in organised sports. Still more participate in informal recreational activities. Although sports participation provides numerous physical and social benefits, it also has a downside: the risk of sports-related injuries. Common sporting injuries: Joint sprains – knee,…
The Chin Nod Stretch
The chin nod stretch otherwise known as a deep neck flexor strengthening exercise is great for those suffering with chronic neck pain or acute injuries such as whiplash. Lie down with a soft pillow under your neck, and with your knees bent up. Gently and slowly nod your head forward as if to say ‘yes’.…