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Toast the New Year with just One Glass of Bubbly

Toast the New Year with just One Glass of Bubbly

You may be celebrating, but that doesn’t mean that that you should send your judgment on holiday. Alcohol can interfere with your blood sugar by slowing the release of glucose into the bloodstream; it also contain a lot of calories – 89 calories per glass of white wine or champagne, 55 calories in a shot…

Lower Back Stretch

Lower Back Stretch

After partying in heels’ ease tension in your lower back with a simple twist. Lie down on the ground. Close your eyes and breathe deeply as you bend your knees and plant your feet on the ground, hip-width apart. Drop your knees to the left as you gently turn your head to the right. Hold…

Avoid Common Christmas Injuries

Avoid Common Christmas Injuries

With the festive party season in full swing and holidays just around the corner, physios are urging everyone to take extra caution, to stay safe, injury-free and happy this Christmas. The best Christmas present you can yourself and family is; Your Health. Physiotherapists see many common musculoskeletal conditions occurring over the Christmas break as people…

Rectus Abdominis Diastasis

Rectus Abdominis Diastasis

Abdominal separation is one of the most common problems that physiotherapists see in pregnant and post-natal patients. As many as two in three pregnant women have some degree of abdominal separation. As a result, it is essential that abdominal exercises in the childbearing years be carefully considered and modified. Often in cases of rectus abdominis…

Shoulder Circles

Shoulder Circles

While seated or standing, rotate your shoulders backward and down in the largest circle you can make. This opens the chest, counteracting the rounded shoulders that are common among pregnant women, office workers, teenagers and students.

Silence your Phone at Night

Silence your Phone at Night

An uninterrupted deep sleep helps your brain process memories, stress, and emotions. It boosts your mood and improves your memory. When you had a deep sleep at night, you will have more energy during the day. Likewise, deep sleep helps rejuvenate your body and repair damaged tissues.

Pre and Post Natal Physiotherapy

Pre and Post Natal Physiotherapy

Pregnancy can cause women to undergo many physical changes. Hormonal changes prepare the body physically for birth, causing postural changes and in turn a level of discomfort and stress, that’s different for every women and every pregnancy. Physiotherapists are trained in pre and post natal physiotherapy, specifically designed for your individual needs. Pre and post-natal…

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

The anterior cruciate ligament or ACL is a vital ligament that provides stability to the knee joint. The ACL is an intra-articular knee ligament, meaning it is found within the knee joint. The ACL is vulnerable to injury as the knee often supports the body’s full weight and is subjected to extreme stresses during running…



Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by widespread pain, sensitivity to touch and unexplained fatigue. It often interferes with daily activities, hobbies and work. Fibromyalgia is often classified as a pseudo-arthritis condition, as there is no actual damage or inflammation to the joints, cartilage, muscles or tissues. The nervous system of fibromyalgia sufferers functions abnormally, causing…



We all enjoy a good night’s rest, but are you aware of the numerous health and performance benefits associated with a quality sleep. Let us explore the importance of sleep, it’s effect on performance and pain, and how to ensure you get enough! Why is it important to have a good quality sleep? Memory and…

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