Health Tips
Mid Back Pain
The thoracic spine, the part of the spine that starts just below the neck to half-way down the back, is often a neglected part of the body, which is surprising considering that it is as prone to stiffness as other parts of the spine, but not so surprising since it is a difficult area of…
Soft Tissue Injury
Soft tissue injury is an injury to any of the soft tissues of the body. The most common soft tissues injured are muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries often occur during sports and exercise activities, but sometimes simple everyday activities can cause an injury. Sprains, strains, and contusions, as well as tendinitis and bursitis, are…
Tradesmen’s Health
Tradies have among the highest number of injuries, musculoskeletal conditions and other health and safety risks of any profession. Every day 10 tradies are badly injured at work. That is 3650 tradies a year on workers compensation. Nearly a quarter of all roofers, labourers and plumbers experience back pain, muscle stress and strain from lifting…
Physiotherapy and Pain
1 in 5 Australians experience chronic pain at some stage in their lives, and it is estimated that chronic pain is the third most costly health problem in Australia. Chronic pain is long-lasting, ongoing pain that doesn’t go away and affects the quality of life of those affected. It is estimated that 60-83% of Australian…
Technology and Children
Ninety-two percent of Australian children aged 5-14 years use information and communication technologies including computers, with increased use correlated with higher age. 87% of boys and 80% of girls regularly participate in electronic screen-based activities. As a result of this increased usage, physios are treating more young patients suffering from unhealthy computing behaviours, which can…
Sorrento Sports Physio Thus Far
The year that was 2014: Sorrento Sports Physio
Find out whats been going on and whats ahead
Beach Boot Camps: THE PROS’ & CONS’
Working out in the sand adds a tonne of resistance to any exercise you’re doing. However there is an increased risk of injury with high intensity exercise. Find out how to minimize your risk and maximize your workout.
Spring Has Sprung & Summer is on its Way
Spring is here which means two things:
1. It’s nearly time to take our beach bodies out of hibernation
2. It’s time to move away from winter casseroles and towards fresh summer salads
10 Secrets to Workout Success
When you go to the effort of exercising, you want to get the most out of the work out.
But what’s the best way to do that?
Here are TEN things you can concentrate on this month to ensure you get the most out of your work out.
Workstation Ergonomic Setup
Your workstation should be set up to cause the least amount of stress on your body. Prolonged hours of poor posture or repetitive work habits, often in a stressful environment can result in significant overuse injury. Applying the following points can help to minimise such injuries. Important points to note : Site in front of…