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Deep Heat vs Heat Packs for Pain Relief – The Truth!

Deep Heat vs Heat Packs for Pain Relief – The Truth!

Have you ever wondered how deep heat works? Whether deep heat or heat packs are the best option? This is the blog for you. You may also be interested in our blog titled Ice or Heat for Pain and Injuries. It is well known that heat can enhance healing, provide a feeling of well-being and relieve…

Growing Pains and Children’s Sports Injuries

Growing Pains and Children’s Sports Injuries

Winter sports are resuming and this means increased running loads for many children and adolescents. We are seeing many kids present to the clinic with overuse injuries of the lower limb – often categorized as growing pains. So what should you do when your child starts complaining of knee pain, heel pain, hip pain? Should…

Ankle Sprains Physiotherapy

Ankle Sprains Physiotherapy

The sprained ankle is the most common type of athletic injury with research suggesting that ankle sprains account for 15-30% of all sports injuries, it is also the most frequently re-injured. Ankle sprains can also occur during every day activities. Do you want relief from ankle pain? Perhaps you want to return to sport as quickly as possibly?…

Headaches – Self Treatment and Physio

Headaches – Self Treatment and Physio

Did you know that up to 18% of the population have a headache at any one time? There are up to 100 varieties of headaches, all causing different types of pain in different areas of your head. Some common headaches include: Migraines without Aura – Migraines are thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance…

Bursitis Explained in Under 300 Words

Bursitis Explained in Under 300 Words

Bursa = A thin fluid filled cushion found between two structures such as bone and tendon to reduce friction. Itis = Inflammation There are more than 150 bursae (pleural for bursa) in the human body and yes they are normal… In fact they are essential. Rub your hands back and forth with some force and…

Dry Needling and Acupuncture Q and A

Dry Needling and Acupuncture Q and A

Interest in dry needling and acupuncture continues to soar. Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions our physiotherapists are asked about dry needling and acupuncture. For more comprehensive information, read our page on Dry Needling and our blog titled ‘Dry Needling – In Simple Terms.‘ What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling? Acupuncture…

5 Tips to Manage Low Back Pain

5 Tips to Manage Low Back Pain

It can be confronting to be struck with a sudden onset of acute low back pain. The disabling pain and immobility often generates catasrophising thoughts about permanent damage and the requirement of surgery. Fear not, low back pain is extremely common, affecting up to 85% of people at some stage in their life. The good…

De Quervain’s Tendonitis

De Quervain’s Tendonitis

De Quervain’s Tendonitis is an overuse injury like many other tendon injuries. Continuous gripping, pinching, squeezing or wringing motions can lead to this condition. Pain in the thumb and wrist, over the radius, especially during use, is common with this injury. This syndrome is more common in women than in men. Physiotherapy Treatment for De…

Calf Strains

Calf Strains

A common running injury is a calf strain or a tear. The calf muscles, Gastrocnemius and soleus, are loaded repetitively and heavily during running. Calf injuries usually occur as a result of a sudden pushing movement or from excessive over-stretching of the calf muscles as demonstrated in jumping activities or during quick changes of direction.…

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

The anterior cruciate ligament or ACL is a vital ligament that provides stability to the knee joint. The ACL is an intra-articular knee ligament, meaning it is found within the knee joint. The ACL is vulnerable to injury as the knee often supports the body’s full weight and is subjected to extreme stresses during running…

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