How much exercise is enough!?
How much exercise is enough!?
Australian Exercise Guidelines

Are you keen to start an exercise routine but feel unsure about where to start?
Our Duncraig Physio team are passionate about a healthy lifestyle. Exercise guidelines for Australian adults are based on recommendations provided by the Australian Government Department of Health. These guidelines aim to promote physical activity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Here’s a summary of the key exercise guidelines:
Aerobic Exercise: Adults aged 18-64 years should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Aerobic activities can include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing.
Strength Training: Adults should engage in muscle-strengthening activities on at least two days per week. These activities should involve major muscle groups and include exercises such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises and resistance band exercises.
Flexibility and Balance: Incorporating flexibility and balance exercises into the weekly routine can help improve mobility. Yoga, Tai Chi, and stretching exercises can enhance flexibility and balance.
Reduce Sedentary Behavior: Adults are encouraged to minimise sedentary time and break up long periods of sitting with short active breaks. Activities such as standing, stretching, or walking can help.
Additional Recommendations: For additional health benefits, adults can increase their weekly aerobic activity to 300 minutes of moderate intensity, 150 minutes of vigorous intensity, or a combination of both.
Let us help you!
These guidelines are general recommendations. Maybe you’ve got a niggle or two that needs consideration before embarking on a program. The team at MyPhysio are experts in exercise prescription and are well-equipped to help you kickstart an enjoyable exercise program.
Call us today on 9447 6152 or click here for an appointment.