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ACL Injuries: Surgical Reconstruction versus Conservative Rehabilitation

ACL Injuries: Surgical Reconstruction versus Conservative Rehabilitation

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries continue to occur in young athletic populations despite the best preventative efforts of sports physios and health professionals. Surgical reconstruction followed by an extensive period of rehab remains common practise following an ACL rupture. However recent evidence suggests that rehab alone may be as effective as surgery. What is the…

Simple Mindfulness Tip

Simple Mindfulness Tip

  Simple mindfulness techniques can help you manage stress and achieve more balance in your life. Set aside some time every day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on breathing deeply down into your tummy using your diaphragm to expand your lungs fully. This helps you to de-stress and promotes relaxation.

Acute Low Back Pain

Acute Low Back Pain

The lower back is the area of the spine between the bottom of the ribs and the pelvis. There are five movable lumbar vertebrae with discs in between them. They are supported by strong surrounding muscles and ligaments with spinal nerves existing between each of the vertebrae. The pelvis articulates with the spine and provides…

New Year, Healthier You

New Year, Healthier You

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Get-in-shape goals tend to fizzle as early as the third week of January, per recent data based on Facebook searches. Yet some keep at it. What’s their secret? People who are successful are more likely to view fitness…

A Better You in 2018

A Better You in 2018

It’s that time of year again when everyone is setting out New Year’s Resolutions and unfortunately it won’t be long till a majority of people start breaking them. There are many reasons why New Year Resolutions don’t stick- they may be unrealistic, there is a lack of self-discipline or life gets “too busy”. Our New…

Sleep and Recovery

Sleep and Recovery

Are you in pain or injured? It’s more important than ever to ensure you aid your recovery by getting a good night’s sleep. For many of us, that may sound like a fantasy but in reality it should be your highest priority! Here’s why… What happens when you don’t get enough sleep? Brain Incomplete cleaning…

Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint that brings people to their Physio. With today’s increasingly active society, the number of knee problems is increasing. Knee pain has a wide variety of specific causes and treatments. The knee joint’s main function is to bend, straighten, and bear the weight of the body, along with…



Healthy skin is one of the excellent side effects of eating carrots. Carrot’s vitamin A can protect our skin from sun damage, prevents it to become dry and cracked, removes premature wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tones.

World Spine Day – Your Back in Action

World Spine Day – Your Back in Action

World Spine Day is a great opportunity to shine light on spinal disorders and encourage you to take steps to better health. This year the theme is ‘Your Back in Action’, emphasising the importance of physical activity and improving posture as part of good spinal health and prevention of injury. Millions of people worldwide suffer…

Athlete Sponsorship Program

Athlete Sponsorship Program

My Physio is excited to announce their Athlete Sponsorship Program for up and coming sports stars. If the idea of free* physio treatment by expert physios who are among the highest qualified in the world interests you, ensure you read on and submit an application form. My Physio employs Masters qualified physios because we are…

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