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We all enjoy a good night’s rest, but are you aware of the numerous health and performance benefits associated with a quality sleep. Let us explore the importance of sleep, it’s effect on performance and pain, and how to ensure you get enough! Why is it important to have a good quality sleep? Can a…

Sleeping Posture and Pillows

Sleeping Posture and Pillows

Do you know that your sleeping position can affect the quality of your sleep? Getting a good night’s rest is extremely important for your well-being and mental health. A poor quality sleep has been shown to heighten anxiety, pain and stress levels.1,2  Read about sleep, pain and recovery here. Adopting particular sleeping positions or using…

World Spine Day – Walking and Posture

World Spine Day – Walking and Posture

The World Spine Day is October 16th and the theme for 2016 is Straighten Up and Move. Millions of people in all continents of the world suffer with spinal disorders. These can include low back pain, neck pain, scoliosis and disc disease, to name but a few. Spinal pain and disability can have a profound effect…

SLAP Lesions of the Shoulder

SLAP Lesions of the Shoulder

What is a SLAP lesion of the shoulder? The shoulder is a ball (upper humerus or arm bone) and socket (glenoid or part of the shoulder blade) joint. The glenoid labrum is cartilage that surrounds the outer lip of the glenoid. It acts by increasing the relative depth of the glenoid to increase shoulder stability…

The Difference Between Physiotherapy and Chiropractic

The Difference Between Physiotherapy and Chiropractic

The physiotherapists at My Physio Perth are commonly asked about the difference between physiotherapy and chiropractic. This question normally stems from conflicting advice and recommendations from family and friends, some that swear by physio and others that rely on chiropractic care. The truth is that physiotherapy and chiropractic have a growing number of similarities. We…

How to Choose a Physiotherapist

How to Choose a Physiotherapist

We are often asked how to become a physiotherapist and what the difference is between physiotherapists, sports physiotherapists and musculoskeletal physiotherapists. People are confused as to what type of physiotherapist is best suited to their particular injury or condition. How to become a physiotherapist Completion of a four-year undergraduate degree at a participating university is…

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The Iliotibial band is a thick tendon that inserts on the outside of your knee.  The function of the Iliotibial band is to help slow movement and torque at your knee during impact.  Iliotibial band syndrome is a common cause of knee pain in runners. The cause is repetitive trauma to the Iliotibial band insertion…

Tendinopathy or Tendonitis

Tendinopathy or Tendonitis

What is Tendinopathy? Tendinopathy, previously termed tendonitis is a broad term encompassing tendon disease or dysfunction. Research has concluded that inflammation is not always present in tendon dysfunction and as ‘itis’ is the suffix for inflammation, the term tendonitis is no longer appropriate. Common tendon injuries include Achilles Tendinopathy (ankle), Patella Tendinopathy (knee), Gluteal Tendinopathy…

K Tape – What’s all the Hype About?

K Tape – What’s all the Hype About?

What is Kinesio Tape or K-Tape? Kinesio tape or K-tape is a variety of tape that physiotherapists occasionally apply to the skin with the intention of providing a therapeutic benefit. K-tape is derived from the word kinesiology, which is the study of human movement. Unlike rigid strapping tape, used by physiotherapists to restrict joint movement,…

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