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What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis as a disease is characterised by low bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to increased bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk. One in three women and one in twelve men over 50 years of age are affected. They fracture more easily than normal bone.…

Joint Pain & Arthritis

Joint Pain & Arthritis

What is Arthritis ? Arthritis is a major cause of disability and handicap in Australia affecting people of all ages and walks of life. Arthritis is not a single condition. Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joint. There are over 150 kinds of arthritis, all of which affect one or more joints in the body.…



Headache is one of the most common illnesses in Australia, with around 15 per cent of us taking painkillers for a headache at any given time. Because headaches are so common, most people think they are a normal part of life. However, a persistent headache is a sign that something is wrong. The continual use…

Back Pain & Abdominal Strength

Back Pain & Abdominal Strength

When you injure your back people will often tell you that you have to strengthen your abdominals. If this is not explained correctly one would take this statement that you need to strengthen your stomach muscles by performing sit-ups. The statement is correct but doing sit up while you have back pain will actually increase…

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